Sunday, September 5, 2010

The winds they are a changin...

As I'm sure most people have seen and/or heard, in the last couple of weeks parts of Asia have been hit with some severe weather. This is because this time of year is the rainy season in Korea, or if you want to sound a little bit more dramatic, typhoon season. I am no climatologist, and so cannot give you accurate data and facts, but a typhoon can range from nothing but some wind and rain to storms that destroy huge tracts of land and cities.

Luckily for us, here in Wonju we haven't had anything more than some really heavy wind and some annoyingly persistent rainfall. There were other areas of Korea that were affected quite badly but from what I've heard, it wasn't all too bad. I do know that 5 people died, and I'm not trivialising the loss of their lives, I am simply saying that typhoons can be, and have been far worse than this one.

Too be honest the rain did come as a bit of a relief from the persistent hot and humid weather we've been oppressed by for the last 2 months. It makes for a welcome change when you have to walk to school, and you get there being a little wet from the rain rather than your own sweat. So let the rains come and cool everything down, and then let them stop and usher in a new season!

Summer seems to be drawing to an end, and as nice as it was to have the hot weather, I must say I am super excited to be moving closer to winter. Winter brings about a whole new set of trends, which is totally awesome! For one, the clothing will change to longer pants and long sleeve shirts to sweaters and jackets, through to long johns, beanies, jackets scarves and mittens. Being from South Africa I've never lived through a white winter, so this will be awesome!

Also, being in Wonju we have some of Korea's best ski resorts within a half hour drive from us, with free shuttle buses to and from many of them. The skiing season here lasts about 4 months from what I've been told, and the idea of a 4 month long snowboard season gets me really excited!

So here's a tip of the hat to good ol' Summer, who is on his way out, and a big, mitten clad wave to winter who is on his way over as we speak!

Post by Oliver


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